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Scriptures & Prayer Time



Prayer Time

We pray at 6:00 am | 12:00 pm | 6:00 pm

Call in for noon day prayer at: 712-451-0687 access code: 816351


21 Day Fast Scriptures

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting  
February 3, 2020-February 24, 2020 
The Year of Divine Master Builders  1 Corinthians 3:10-17 

A Special Message from Pastor Donald  
As we enter this time of prayer and fasting, I pray that we, as a congregation will press into the presence of God and focus on the promises He has given us in His word. Our 2020 vision for the house is Divine Masterbuilders. I believe authentic change in our individual lives will produce the lasting change we want to see as a ministry and in the Kingdom of God. 
Now is the time for us to humble ourselves, seek God's face and pray our church, our communities and the world (2 Chronicles 7:14). The manifestation of our prayers may not occur immediately but together, we will stand on the Word of God. I pray that you will have faith and patience to wait on God’s promises, which are Yes and Amen (2 Cor. 1:20). I believe God will meet us as we intentionally set aside this time to pursue Him. His word promises us that if we draw close to Him, He will draw close to us. (James 4:8) 
During this time, I pray that God’s hand of protection will be upon you, your family and our entire congregation. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that we will be persistent and fervent in prayer and that God will send His warring angels before us, just as He did for Daniel (Daniel 10) and that we will operate in a fast that is honorable to our Lord. (Isa. 58). 
To gain the most during this time of consecration, don't forget to download the fasting guide we've created for you. I pray the information found in the guide will make a significant impact during your devotional time with The Lord.  
Interceding for You,  
Pastor Richard T. Donald Jr. 
Our Fast consists of NO MEATS, NO SWEETS, and WATER ONLY for 21 Days  
In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” 
Daniel 10:2-3 
Special Note: If you have health issues, please be sure to contact your health professional for advice before committing to any kind of food-based fast  
7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer  
STEP 1: Set Your Objective  
•    Answer the question—Why are you fasting?  
STEP 2: Make Your Commitment. 
•    What physical or social activities you will you consider restricting during your fast? 
•    How much time each day you will devote to prayer and God's Word?  
STEP 3: Prepare Yourself Spiritually: The very foundation of fasting and prayer is repentance.  
STEP 4: Prepare Yourself Physically: Prepare your body:  
•    Eat smaller meals before starting a fast.  
•    Avoid high-fat and sugary foods before beginning your fast.  
•    Eat raw fruit and vegetables for two days before starting a fast.  
STEP 5: Put Yourself on a Schedule 
STEP 6: End Your Fast Gradually: take your time reintroducing food into your diet 
STEP 7: Expect Results  
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Suggested Food Items  
All fruits. These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Fruits include but are not limited to apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, guava, honeydew melon, kiwi, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, tangelos, tangerines, watermelon 
All vegetables. These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Vegetables include but are not limited to artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chilipeppers, collard greens, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ginger root, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, okra, onions, parsley, potatoes, radishes, rutabagas, scallions, spinach, sprouts, squashes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, yams, zucchini, veggie burgers are an option if you are not allergic to soy. 
All whole grains, including but not limited to whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, oats, barley, grits, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat tortillas, rice cakes and popcorn. 
All nuts and seeds, including but not limited to sunflower seeds, cashews, peanuts, sesame. Also nut butters including peanut butter. 
All legumes. These can be canned or dried. Legumes include but are not limited to dried beans, pinto beans, split peas, lentils, black eyed peas, kidney beans, black beans, cannellini beans, white beans. 
All quality oils including but not limited to olive, canola, grape seed, peanut, and sesame. 
Beverages: spring water, distilled water or other pure waters. 
Other: tofu, soy products, vinegar, seasonings, salt, herbs and spices. 
Foods Items to Avoid 
All meat and animal products including but not limited to beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish. Beverages including but not limited to coffee, tea, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and alcohol. 
Sweets, candy, cookies, cakes, pies, etc.  
6 Vital Questions about Prayer (Bill Bright) 
Q: What Is Prayer? Simply put, prayer is communicating with God. Real prayer is expressing our devotion to our heavenly Father, inviting Him to talk to us as we talk to Him.    
Q: Who Can Pray? Anyone can pray, but only those who walk in faith and obedience to Christ can expect to receive answers to their prayers. Contact with God begins when we receive Jesus into our lives as Savior and Lord (John 14:6). Praying with a clean heart is also vital to successful prayer. We cannot expect God to answer our prayers if there is any unconfessed sin in our life or if we are harboring an unforgiving spirit (Psalm 66:18; Mark 11:25). For God to answer our prayers, we must have a believing heart and ask according to His will (Matthew 9:29; 21:22; 1 John 5:14 -15).   
Q: Why Are We to Pray? God's Word commands us to pray (Luke 18:1; Acts 6:4; Mark 14:38; Philippians 4:6; Colossians 4:2; 1 Timothy 2:1-2). We pray to have fellowship with God, receive spiritual nurture and strength to live a victorious life, and maintain boldness for a vital witness for Christ. Prayer releases God's great power to change the course of nature, people, and nations.  
  Q: To Whom Do We Pray? We pray to the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. When we pray to the Father, our prayers are accepted by Jesus Christ and interpreted to God the Father by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26, 27, 34).    
Q: When Should We Pray? God's Word commands us to "Pray continually" (1Thessalonians 
5:17). We can be in prayer throughout the day, expressing and demonstrating our devotion to God as we go about our daily tasks. It is not always necessary to be on our knees, or even in a quiet room to pray. God wants us to be in touch with Him constantly wherever we are. We can pray in the car, while washing the dishes, or while walking down the street.    
Q: What Should We Include in Our Prayers? Although prayer cannot be reduced to a formula, certain basic elements should be included in our communication with God:  
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication (ACTS). 
A-Adoration: To adore God is to worship and praise Him, to honor and exalt Him in our heart and mind and with our lips.  
C-Confession: When our discipline of prayer begins with adoration, the Holy Spirit has opportunity to reveal any sin in our life that needs to be confessed.  
T-Thanksgiving: An attitude of thanksgiving to God, for who He is and for the benefits we enjoy because we belong to Him, enables us to recognize that He controls all things - not just the blessings, but the problems and adversities as well. As we approach God with a thankful heart, He becomes strong on our behalf.   
S-Supplication: Supplication includes petition for our own needs and intercession for others. Pray that your inner person may be renewed, always sensitive to and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Pray for others - your spouse, your children, your parents, neighbors, and friends; our nation and those in authority over us. Pray for the salvation of souls, for a daily opportunity to introduce others to Christ and to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. 
Day 1: Humility          
Likewise, you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”1 Peter 5:5 (NKJV)  
Prayer: Pray that God will help you to reject pride. You will not operate with a carnal mind and that you will be clothed with humility.  
Intercession: Pray that as the body of Christ we will operate in humility before God & man.  
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Proverbs 15:33, 22:4, Colossians 3:12, Philippians 2:7 
Christian life has suffered loss, because believers have not been distinctly guided to see that nothing is more natural and beautiful and blessed than to be nothing, so that God may be all. It has not been made clear that it is not sin that humbles us most, but grace. It is the soul, led through its sinfulness to be occupied with God in His wonderful glory as God, as Creator and Redeemer, that will truly take the lowest place before Him.  -Andrew Murray, Humility 
Day 2: Prayer & Seeking God’s Face     
But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 4:29 (NKJV) 
Prayer: Pray that God will give you a deeper understanding of who He is and His will. 
Intercession: Pray that the body of Christ will have a desire to seek God even more in this season through prayer, fasting, and mediation on His word. 
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Isaiah 55:6-7, Psalms 27:8 63:1, 105:4 
“Prayer becomes transformational when we embrace the original and enduring context for all praying. A worship-based approach fixes our heart first on the majesty of God, the person of Christ, the purity of His Word – and excites within us an appetite for Him. Our very motives for prayer are changed and elevated beyond anything merely earthly. Our heart is renewed with a longing for His glory.” ― Daniel Henderson, Transforming Prayer 
Day 3: Open Hearts
Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart. Jeremiah 24:7 (NKJV) 
Prayer: Pray that your heart will be opened to receive & operate in the will of God. 
Intercession: Pray that the body of Christ will return to God with their whole heart. 
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Deuteronomy 4:29, Psalms 119:11, 112 
Grace is God as heart surgeon, cracking open your chest, removing your heart - poisoned as it is with pride and pain - and replacing it with his own. Max Lucado 
Day 4: Repentance 
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.Roman 8:12-14 (NKJV) 
Prayer: Pray that God will give you a yearning to follow after Jesus, our Lord, in a life of repentance. 
Intercession: Pray that the body of Christ will repent and return to their first love, who is God. 
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Psalms 51, Acts 3:19, 2 Corinthian 7:9-11 
“The heavens will not be filled with those who never made mistakes but with those who recognized that they were off course and who corrected their ways to get back in the light of gospel truth.” ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf 
Day 5: Forgiveness 
Who is a God like You, 
Pardoning iniquity 
And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? 
He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, And will subdue our iniquities. 
You will cast all our sins Into the depths of the sea. 
You will give truth to Jacob 
And mercy to Abraham, 
Which You have sworn to our fathers 
From days of old. Micah 7:18-20 (NKJV) 
Prayer: Pray for God to forgive you for any hidden sins. 
Intercession: Pray that the body of Christ will operate in the spirit of forgiveness and forgive as God has forgiven. 
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Daniel 9:9, Mark 11:25, 1 John 1:9 
“Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.  
“I think that if God forgives us we must forgive ourselves. Otherwise, it is almost like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than Him.” ― C.S. Lewis 
Day 6: Healing 
Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: 
Who forgives all your iniquities, 
Who heals all your diseases, 
Who redeems your life from destruction, 
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Psalm 103:2-4 (NKJV) 
Prayer: Pray that God will heal every area of your life. 
Intercession: Pray that God will heal our family members, others, and the nation from backsliding. 
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Isaiah 53:4-5, Jeremiah 17:14 
Christ is the Good Physician. There is no disease He cannot heal; no sin He cannot remove; no trouble He cannot help. He is the Balm of Gilead, the Great Physician who has never yet failed to heal all the spiritual maladies of every soul that has come unto Him in faith and prayer.  -James A. Aughey 
Day 7: Loving Relationship with Him    
so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’ Acts 17:27 - 28 
Prayer: Pray that God will help you develop a closer relationship with Him 
Intercession: Pray that the body of Christ will desire and seek a closer relationship with God.  
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Jeremiah 31:3, John 3:16, Colossians 2:13-14 NLT, Revelations 3:20 
When I put my faith in Jesus Christ as my savior, and I asked him to forgive and to come into my life, and He does - from that moment forward I have established a personal relationship with God that I have to develop, you know, through Bible reading and prayer, and living my life for him. -Anne Graham Lotz 
Day 8: Establishing My Identity in Christ
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. “Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV 
Prayer:  Pray that You would unlock your heart that you might be fully alive to your identity in 
Christ. God, give me clear revelation to see myself the way You see me. Help me to stand in Your truth against all enemy attacks and guard my heart with all vigilance  
Intercession: Pray that the Body of Christ will operate as God’s chosen ones, who are purified holy and well-loved by God.  
Other scriptures to meditate on: Romans 6:18, Genesis 1:27, 2 Corinthians 5:20  
Our identity is not in our joy, and our identity is not in our suffering. Our identity is in Christ, whether we have joy or are suffering.” 
Your circumstances may change but who you truly are remains forever the same. Your identity is eternally secure in Christ.” 
“Worth found in human beings is fleeting. Worth found in Christ lasts forever. 

Day 9: A Changed Mindset 
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 
Prayer: Lord, the change I desire to see in my life begins in my mind. Help me to transform my mind by meditating on your word. Help me to put on the mind of Christ each day.  
Intercession: Father, may we me transformed by Your word. Lord, I confess Your Word over the Body of Christ that we may be who You have called us to be. 
Other scriptures to meditate on: Matthew 6:9-10, Isaiah 26:3, Philippians 4:8-9  
Philippians 2:5 tells us that we are to have the mind of Christ. This verse is part of a poem (Phil. 2:5–11) that was originally a hymn.1 This verse says that we are to think like Jesus thinks. In the original Greek, the command is in the form of the verb phroneite, the plural imperative of the verb phroneo, “to think or to be minded in a certain way.” Our mind is to have the same characteristics that Christ's mind has.” 
- TW Hunt, The Mind of Christ: The Transforming Power of Thinking His Thoughts.  
Day 10: Spiritual Authority  
Through You will we push down our enemies: through Your name will we will trample those who rise up against us. Psalm 44:5 (NKJV) 
Prayer: Pray that God will reveal to you the authority He has given you and how to operate in it.  
Intercession: Pray that the body of Christ will be equipped and operate in the power of God in this season.   
Other Scriptures to meditate on: Luke 10:19-20, Mark16:17, James 4:7, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Matthew 16:19.  
Time spent in prayer will yield more than that given to work. Prayer alone gives work its worth and its success. Prayer opens the way for God Himself to do His work in us and through us. Let our chief work as God's messengers be intercession; in it we secure the presence and power of God to go with us. -Andrew Murra 
Day 11: Knowing God’s Will 
 Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen Hebrews 13:20-21 NKJV 
Prayer: Pray that through Jesus Christ, God will make you perfect in every good work to do his will.  
Intercession: Pray that the body of Christ will continue to seek and operate in God’s will in a way that is pleasing to Him.  
Other Scriptures to meditate on: Jeremiah 29:11, 1 Timothy 2:3-4, Luke 9:23, Psalm 119:105, James 1:5, Proverbs 3:5-6.  
In all things seek to know God's Will and when known obey at any cost. -Jonathan Goforth  
The surest method of arriving at a knowledge of God's eternal purposes about us is to be found in the right use of the present moment. God's will does not come to us in the whole, but in fragments, and generally in small fragments. It is our business to piece it together, and to live it into one orderly vocation.  -Frederick W. Faber 
Day 12: Expectations of Miracles and Blessings 
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV 
Prayer: God, I thank You for your goodness and wonderful works in my life. Lord, you are the God of miracles and blessings. May our faith rise to believe that nothing is impossible for those who believe in You.  
Intercession: Pray that we will see miracles and manifestations of God’s blessings within the Body of Christ. Miracles Signs and Wonders will follow us.  
Other Scriptures to meditate on: Jeremiah 32:27, Luke 18:27, Deuteronomy 10:21   Luke 9:13-17  
"Pray until your situation changes. Miracles happen every day, so never stop believing."                      ~ Unknown 
Faith precedes the miracle. ~ Spencer W. Kimball 
Day 13: Heart of The Father 
He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,’ and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Luke 1:17 NKJV 
Prayer: Pray that you will be submissive to God’s will. If you are a parent pray that God will give you wisdom to be a better parent.  
Intercession: Pray for parents, especially fathers, that their love for their children will increase.  
Other Scriptures to meditate on: Malachi 4:5-6, Isaiah 54:13, Psalms 40:8 
"Train up a child in the way he should go - but be sure you go that way yourself."  - Charles Spurgeon   
 "The happiest and holiest children in the world are the children whose fathers succeed in winning both their tender affection and their reverential and loving fear. And they are the children who will come to understand most easily the mystery of the fatherhood of God."  - John Piper   
 A man ought to live so that everybody knows he is a Christian… and most of all, his family ought to know.  -D.L. Moody, Evangelist 
Day 14: Families 
 And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of [a]the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15 NKJV 
Prayer: Pray that you will serve your family better in 2020.  
Intercession: Pray for families; marriages and single parent households, those desiring marriage, orphans and widows. 
Other Scriptures to meditate on: Psalm 103:17, Proverbs 6:20, 15:20,27, 22:6, 31:28-29, Acts 10:2, Ephesian 3:14-15, 6:4, Colossians 3:18-20, 1 Timothy 5:8 
If therefore our houses be houses of the Lord, we shall for that reason love home, reckoning our daily devotion the sweetest of our daily delights; and our familyworship the most valuable of our family-comforts… A church in the house will be a good legacy, nay, it will be a good inheritance, to be left to your children after you.  -Matthew Henry, Clergyman 
Day 15: Unbelievers   
But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:36-38 NKJV 
Prayer: Pray that God will equip you to win souls for the Kingdom of God.  
Intercession: Pray for your lost loved ones, friends and acquaintances.   
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Hebrew 3:12-13, 1 Corinthians 7:12-16, Romans 10:1, Acts 26:18, Luke 19:10, John 6:44.  
“One day George Mueller began praying for five of his friends. After many months, one of them came to the Lord. Ten years later, two others were converted. It took 25 years before the fourth man was saved. Mueller persevered in prayer until his death for the fifth friend, and throughout those 52 years he never gave up hoping that he would accept Christ! His faith was rewarded, for soon after Mueller’s funeral the last one was saved.” -Our Daily Bread 
Day 16: Unity Within the Body of Christ  
Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all peak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. 1 Corinthians 1:10 NKJV 
Prayer: Pray that God will help you bear with other Christians, forgive grievances, and put on love.  
Intercession: Pray that the body of Christ will not operate in division, but will keep the spirit of unity through the bond of peace.  
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Ephesians 2:14, 4:3, 11-16, Colossians 3:13, 14, John 
17:23, Psalm 133:1, 1 Peter 3:8, 1 John 4:12, Romans 12:16, 2 Chronicles 30:12, Galatians 3:2628 
To a true child of God, the invisible bond that unites all believers to Christ is far more tender, and lasting, and precious, and, as we come to recognize and realize that we are all dwelling in one sphere of life in Him, we learn to look on every believer as our brother, in a sense that is infinitely higher than all human relationships. This is the one and only way to bring disciples permanently together. All other plans for promoting the unity of the Church have failed.                                       ~A.T. Pierson 

Day 17: Government  
Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Romans 13:1 NKJV 
Prayer: Pray that God will help you be committed in praying for the Government on a regular basis.  
Intercession:  Pray for every level of Government (City, State, and Federal), the President, VicePresident and Cabinet members. The Mayor, City Council Members, Governor, Congress, Judicial System, and Counties. Pray for all branches of the military.  
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Romans13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-17, 1 Timothy 2:1-3, Psalm 22:28, Proverbs 21:1, 25:5, Mark 10:42-45, Colossians 2:15, Daniel 2:21 
The government of the United States is acknowledged by the wise and good of other nations, to be the most free, impartial, and righteous government of the world; but all agree, that for such a government to be sustained many years, the principles of truth and righteousness, taught in the Holy Scriptures, must be practiced.  - Emma Willard 
Day 18: Arts, Entertainment and Media  
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.            Colossians 2:8 NKJV 
Prayer: Pray for the strength to resist to indulge in entertainment that does not glorify God.  
Intercession: Pray that God will strategically place more Christians in the area of Arts, entertainment and the media for the glory of God. 
Additional scriptures to meditate on: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Romans 12:1-2, Psalm 119:9-16, Matthew 6:13, 1 Corinthians 10:13 
“We do see it rising around the globe – no question about it – and it’s frightening. We see the anti-Christian position in this country. We see so much of it coming out of the entertainment industry, especially in certain segments of the news media. Christians are being attacked.”               
                                                                                                                             ~Franklin Graham 
 "In a world of political correctness devoid of the rule of law, tolerance has come to mean total rejection of Christianity and moral standards. Modern tolerance redefines words like 'marriage,' 'discrimination,' 'equality,' 'morality,' and even 'absolutes.' The word 'tolerance' as it is used today never includes opposing arguments or competing worldviews. Tolerance has become Orwellian and decidedly intolerant."  
                      – Matthew Staver, Dean and Professor of Law at Liberty University School of Law 
Day 19: Business 
He has filled them with skill to do all manner of work of the engraver and the designer and the tapestry maker, in blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine linen, and of the weaver—those who do every work and those who design artistic works. Exodus 35:35 (NKJV) 
Prayer: Ask for Holy Spirit to guide you in all aspects of your business/careers.  
Intercession: Pray for an Kingdom businesses, business owners and entrepreneurs. Pray for those whose calling(s) is to the market place.  
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Deuteronomy 8:18, Colossians 3:23, Proverbs 10:14, Proverbs 16:3, Mark 8:36.  
You have to live with the people to know their needs and you have to live with God to know how to solve them. John C. Maxwell.

Day 20:  The Future Generation 
That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born, That they may arise and declare them to their children, That they may set their hope in God, And not forget the works of God, But keep His commandments; And may not be like their fathers, A stubborn and rebellious generation, A generation that did not set its heart aright, and whose spirit was not faithful to God. Psalms 78:6-8 NKJV 
Prayer: If you are part of the next generation, pray that God’s hand of protection is on you. If not, pray that God will equip you to assist the next generation in their growth in God  
Intercession: Pray for the protection of younger generation (millennial, youth, and the children) and that they will have a heart for God.  
Additional scriptures to meditate on: Psalm 24:6, Lamentation 5:19, Daniel 4:3, Genesis 9:12, 1 Timothy 4:12 
When our children see us clinging to the promises of God, they will grow up trusting in His 
goodness. If we fail as adults in praying for and praying with the next generation, then they will 
become spiritually unsure.     -Michael Youssef                                                                                                         
Day 21: God's Guidance for the Year 
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV Prayer: Pray that God will direct your path in 2020.  
Intercession: Pray that the body of Christ will seek God’s guidance and direction for 2020.  
Additional Scriptures to meditate on: Psalm 27:11, 31:3, Job 6:24, Isaiah 30:21, 48:17, 58:11, Matthew 7:7, Proverbs 11:14 
All should work and ask God’s guidance. -D.L. Moody 
With fear and trembling we must rely upon God for guidance in the inner depths. This is the sole way to walk according to the spirit. -Watchman Nee  
After a hard day scrambling to find your way around in the world, it's assuring to come home to a place you know. God can be equally familiar to you. With time you can learn where to go for nourishment, where to hide for protection, where to turn for guidance. Just as your earthly house is a place of refuge, so God's house is a place of peace. -Max Lucado 





21 Day Fasting Guide




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Greenville, SC 29605

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